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Pictured is Matylda Kerry, the real Clementine, voiced by Viktoriia Bondarenko, with Dayle Kerry as Molly. (EPISODE 2)
Pictured are Dayle and Matylda, the real Molly and Clementine, this time voiced by Hanna Maksimachkina, with Dayle as Molly.

Maria Spassoff voices Masha Roslov.

Sean Cully voices Viktor Lukin, with Dayle Kerry as Molly.

Anastasiia Bratchenko voices Irina Markova.

Ego Mikitas voices Yevgeny Yanovsky, with Dayle Kerry as Molly.

Edie Côté voices Dominique with Marcel Geloen as Jean-Paul.

TV In the ‘90s in Russia featured American shows with Russian dialogue added. Josh McClenney in English and Anton Shuster in Russian voice Deputy Marsh. William Woff  in English and Les Zaev in Russian voice Deputy Bridges. And Dayle Kerry in English and Anastasiia Bratchenko in Russian voice Sheriff Lady Law.
Yulia (Annie Semenova) and Ivan (Les Zaev) introduce Clementine (Hanna Maksimachkina) to her momma’s TV show, (Episode 8)
Claire Simba voices Interpol agent, Viviene Patrick, explaining, “There have always been those who believe Russia’s reputation is more important than the children receiving love and care.”
(Episode 1)
Pelvic Floors everywhere thank you from the bottom of their… bottoms. Don the Director (Andy Goldberg) and Molly McKay (Dayle Kerry) working on an infomercial shoot.
(Episode 1)
Matylda Kerry, the real Clementine, voices the titles and credits.
(Episodes 1–10)
Anastasiya Rul voices Katya Roslov, a linguistics PhD with dreams of moving to Milano and designing fashion with her Italian boyfriend. 
(Episode 3)
Luca Manganaro voices Adamo Gorgoni, Katya’s stylish Italian boyfriend, venting to Molly (Dayle Kerry).
(Episode 9)
Molly’s agent, Sandy, voiced by Helaine Lembeck, has what should be good news for Molly (Dayle Kerry), but actually isn’t.
(Episode 1)
Sergey (Nikita Korshunov) shows Molly (Dayle Kerry) her old hit TV series, Lady Law, which is a big hit now in Russia.
(Episode 5)
Ava (Robin Abcarian) gives Molly (Dayle Kerry) the lowdown on Yevgeny Yanovsky, head of External Relations in St. Petersburg
(Episode 5)
Lyudmilla (Evgeniia Tikhonova) speaks the truth in Russian, and Masha (Maria Spassoff) translates in agreement
(Episode 5)
Jason, Molly and Clementine visit Lenin’s tomb on Red Square, with Dayle Kerry as Molly and Chris Côté as Jason. 
(Episode 9)
Dr. Valentina (Christopher Callen) relieves Molly (Dayle Kerry) and her worried mind – No problems, big or small.
(Episode 3)
Arthur Carter Jones, voiced by Don McClennan. Vadim voiced by Ali Badalov. "Look! Kangaroo!" “That's right. A kangaroo with a bone crusher!” 
(Episode 4)
Roy Vongtama voices Molly's ex-husband, Derek.
(Episode 1)
Cynthia (Cece McClennan) has ominous news for Molly on line two! 
(Episode 1)
Viktor (Sean Cully) chases off Vadim and his party crashers.
(Episode 6)
Vadim (Ali Badalov) and his motorcycle buddies have no business at the Polo Club, as Sergey (Nikitas Korshunov) makes clear,
(Episode 4)
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